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Vs > Yasica
Azerbaijan flag

Naxcivan vs Yasica Climate & Distance Between

Dominican Republic flag
  • The distance between Naxcivan, Azerbaijan and Yasica, Dominican Republic is approximately 10,695 km or 6,646 mi.
  • To reach Naxcivan in this distance one would set out from Yasica bearing 44.5° or NE and follow the great circles arc to approach Naxcivan bearing 121.6° or ESE .
  • Naxcivan has a mid-latitude cool steppe climate (BSk) whereas Yasica has a tropical rainforest climate (Af).
  • Naxcivan is in or near the cool temperate steppe biome whereas Yasica is in or near the subtropical moist forest biome.
  • The average temperature is 12.5 °C (22.5°F) cooler.
  • Average monthly temperatures vary by 27.6 °C (49.7°F) more in Naxcivan. The continentality subtype is truly continental as opposed to truly hyperoceanic.
  • Total annual precipitation averages 1716.3 mm (67.6 in) less which is equivalent to 1716.3 l/m² (42.12 US gal/ft²) or 17,163,000 l/ha (1,834,839 US gal/ac) less. About 1/7 as much.
  • The altitude of the sun at midday is overall 18.5° lower in Naxcivan than in Yasica.

Climate Comparison Table

The table shows values for Naxcivan relative to Yasica. You can also view this comparison the other way around from the perspective of Yasica vs Naxcivan.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
maximum temperature iconAverage Max Temperature °C ( °F) -28 (-50) -24 (-44) -17 (-31) -10 (-18) -6 (-11) -3 (-5) +3 (+5) 2 (+3) -2 (-4) -10 (-17) -17 (-31) -23 (-42) -11 (-20)
average temperature iconAverage Temperature °C ( °F) -27 (-49) -24 (-43) -18 (-33) -12 (-21) -8 (-14) -4 (-7) +1 (+1) 0 (0) -5 (-8) -12 (-22) -18 (-33) -23 (-41) -13 (-23)
minimum temperature iconAverage Min Temperature °C ( °F) -25 (-45) -22 (-40) -17 (-31) -11 (-20) -8 (-15) -5 (-8) -1 (-1) -2 (-4) -6 (-11) -12 (-22) -18 (-32) -22 (-39) -12 (-22)
rainfall iconAverage Precipitation mm (in) -130 (-5) -102 (-4) -103 (-4) -166 (-7) -187 (-7) -65 (-3) -82 (-3) -114 (-4) -103 (-4) -151 (-6) -264 (-10) -252 (-10) -1716 (-68)
daylight iconAverage Daylight Hours & Minutes/ Day -1h 22' -0h 50' -0h 09' +0h 35' +1h 13' +1h 32' +1h 23' +0h 50' +0h 08' -0h 36' -1h 13' -1h 32'   0h 00'
sun altitude iconSun altitude at solar noon on the 21st day (°) -19.6 -19.6 -19.7 -19.7 -18 -12 -17.1 -19.4 -19.4 -19.3 -19.4 -19.6   -18.5

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